
Is your day-to-day performance, or athletic prowess adequate, sufficient, or stellar? Do you feel great when you open your eyes as you awaken in bed each morning? 

Are you preparing your body before, during, and after an event or keep to a daily health maintenance routine?  Do you restore, replete after a performance?  Many athletes and sports enthusiastic individuals are unaware of internal inflammation and insufficiencies. They have fatigue and struggle to push thru training and workouts with unaddressed nutrient and mineral depletions. When the body is balanced, hormones in balance, low to no inflammation, and digestion is optimal- one is sufficiently equipped with adequate vitamins/minerals to then perform at best. Remember, intense exercise is considered a stressor for both the internal and external body.

It’s our day-to-day habits that turn into what is running our lives.

If any of this resonates with you, set up a free 15-minute phone consultation. We’d like to hear from you.



Before we can get started, please take the time to fill out the following forms,
emailing to deborahlmanke@gmail.com.


Medical Consent


Medical History