
It’s our day to day habits that turn into what is running our lives.

Maintaining good health and wellness is not done overnight, it’s not with a miracle pill, quick fix, procedure, or injection. It’s day-to-day healthy habits- it’s when we fall off course, we get right back up again and keep a steady, strong course. Do the best one can.

What we all need is everyday wellness, healthy lifestyle habits, being in balance- we call, preventative care.  The choices we make every day determine our overall wellness. 

Whether you are very well, or very sick, we strive to maintain your functional wellness. We all tip out of balance at various points in time, sometimes it is midlife, sometimes prior to or following a holiday or vacation, sometimes it is a traumatic event, a life event- something emotional, mental, physical, spiritual alters one’s course.  How fast we get back into balance/recover has to do with our general overall well-being- what we do for our bodies day to day matters. 

Whether you’re an athlete and want to maintain that prowess, level of stamina, endurance or are very sick- functional and environmental medicine identifies root cause to your symptoms. It’s digging deeper. It’s working upstream, turning off the cause, removing triggers, supporting the body and re-balancing. 

We address the fatigue, hair loss, inability to lose/gain weight, high cholesterol/low cholesterol levels, low or no sex libido issues, cravings, skin diseases, hormone imbalances, inflammation, digestive complaints- gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea to name just a few of the more common complaints.

We don’t dive into the use of medications to down-regulate or turn off symptoms. Yet, pharmaceuticals are used appropriately as needed. Your relationship with our practice is a partnership, to educate, understand and know the treatment plan. We address and change the biology of the body reestablishing normal function.


We strive to create your wellness from the inside, out. We specialize in autoimmune, digestive, hormone and inflammatory conditions as well as chronic diseases with a root cause medical model.

Functional Medicine proves what is good and right in your body.

Ask Yourself:

• What do you want your health for?
• How great of an impact does food/nutrition/lifestyle changes have on your health?
• Are you stuck?



The beliefs people have of their illness have an impact on their healing.

— Victor Frankl